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10 "Must-Read" Chinese Books with your kids

Dear Parents

Majority of the Chinese Language experts advocate the same philosophy to mastering the language: 多听,多说 , 多读,多写(listen, speak, read, write more.) Let’s focus on the 多读 (read more) aspect of this article. 

多读 (Read more) is found to be one of the most effective ways of nurturing young children’s interest in acquiring the Chinese language. Once the child establishes a love for reading Chinese books, it will certainly be a lifelong habit that grows up with them! 

We understand that many parents have trouble finding Chinese books for their children. This list of MUST- read recommendations will help you get hold of the books that your child will really enjoy and learn from.

The Benefits of reading to Children

1. 会不会 Yes I Can

Why this book is good: The repetitive text helps the young reader to learn animal names including, dog, fish, bird and action words such as run, jump, swim and fly.  As you flip through the pages, the child will pick up the simple phrases such as,  I can run, I can swim, I can jump, Can I fly in Chinese with ease. You will be surprised to see how your child responds to it! Have fun.

I Read and I Learn

2. 颜色 Colour

Why this book is good: The repetitive text throughout the book helps the child to recognize the different colours and even objects like little dress, lollypops and ice creams. This little book is the favourite of many children and is effective for the child to learn about colours.

I Read and I Learn

3. 爸爸妈妈和我  Daddy, Mummy and Me

Why this book is good: This is a book that will enhance the bond between parents and their child.  Many parents and their children enjoy reading together as it conveys the everyday life of the family. Besides picking up new verbs, children also get a deeper sense of how much their parents love them. In addition, through this book, the child will learn how to be appreciative of them.

I Read and I Learn Series 2

4. 我不怕黑夜 I am not afraid of the Dark

Why this book is good: Each paragraph follows a similar sentence structure of why he/she should not be afraid of the dark. It’s a good bedtime story for every child to learn the differences between the night from the day scenes.


I Read and I Learn Series 2

5. 小乌龟的家 The Little Tortoise Home

Why this book is good: The repetitive text helps the young reader to flip and see the different home of the animals, little mouse, dog, birds and finally share the joy of little tortoise who manage to locate its own home. It’s fun and engaging apart from learning the different small animals and their homes.

Little Sweetie Series

6. 捉迷藏 Play Hide-and-Seek

Why this book is good: The child will definitely enjoy the fun of playing hide and seek between chameleon and butterfly. Through this story, the child will develop good attention span and observation skills. Besides learning new words, the beautiful illustration will captivate the child’s interest to read the book.

Little Sweetie Series

7. 小鸡拍照 Little Chick taking photographs

Why this book is good: The fun and engaging the story will tickle the funny bone of your child while he/she learns new words from the story.


I Read and I Learn Series 2

8.好朋友 Good Friend

Why this book is good: This heart-warming story will help the child learns about building friendship. The giraffes are tall, rabbits are small, do you think they can be good friends? Read to your child and he/she will smile with you while seeing how the rabbits enjoy the giraffes’ companionship in times of trouble. It will enhance the child to learn to make friend with their peers.

Little Sweetie Series 2

9. 美丽的图画 The Beautiful Picture

Why this book is good: The beautiful picture that Little Joy has in mind was not drawn on paper. What type of picture was it? Let Little Joy brings your child to the beautiful picture that she is singing and dancing with. Parents do enjoy the beautiful story with your child.

The Beautiful Picture

10. 我要飞上青天 Fly to the Sky

Why this book is good: Parents and children will love this story as it will bring a sense of joy whenever both your child and you felt emotionally down. Parents are encouraged to talk to the child about their different emotions. Just open this book and enjoy “flying with Little Joy in the sky.

Fly to the Sky

Yes, the more you exposed your child to the Chinese language, the easier it is for them to be acquainted with the language. Do keep reading and enjoying the fun with this 10 Must – read Chinese books with your child. We love to hear from you on how your kids enjoy the books that you have read with them.